Saturday 29 October 2016

The Adors of Success

Times come when things fall apart,
And a wall seems to be setting you apart.
Do not be torn apart,
Even though the victory from you seems far apart!

When your eyes glow dim,
With everyone looking at you grim,
And so high is the wall’s brim,
Keep on chasing the dream!

Go an extra mile,
Keep on with a smile,
Because it is an added file,
Over your competitor’s pile!

Climb up the top,
No matter how many times you tumble from the top,
Till you grip right tight at the top,
Watching out not to drop!

When you become an icon,
Reach out for the horizon,
Watching for the devil’s beckon,
Not to be trapped in its weapon!

And there pick up the success,
Long fought for in excess,
Henceforth live to serve high ideals,
Upholding your ethos!

By Sadique K. 

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